ESG Outlook Conference
This virtual ESG event will feature Fitch’s global sector and sustainable finance analysts, alongside special guest speakers, discussing the key ESG risks in the year ahead. The multi-day event will explore ESG across a range of themes – key ESG Risks in 2021, climate change, water risk, ESG bonds and loans- and sectors – sovereigns, banks, corporates, supranationals and public agencies, securitization, public finance – with a look at how Fitch’s unique approach to ESG credit analysis can be put to use today.
We encourage you to review the schedule of topics and themes. The event will also feature workshops with Fitch Solutions and Fitch Learning.
Day 1 – December 1, 2020
Topics for discussion:
- Setting the Scene – ESG in Fixed Income
- ESG Investor Themes for 2021
- Sovereigns and Climate Change
- What to Watch in Credit for 2021
Day 2 – December 2, 2020
Topics for discussion:
- Climate: Long Term Financial Implications
- The Practioners’ Corner: Understanding Sustainability Linked Bonds and other ESG Instruments
- Supranationals and Agencies in the ESG debate
Day 3 – December 3, 2020
Topics for discussion:
- How is the Financial Sector Embracing ESG?
- Water: Overexploited Resource and Underestimated Risk
- The Practioners’ Corner: ESG in Securitisation
- The Practioners’ Corner: ESG in US Public Finance
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